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Photographer: Ronald F. Billings
Source: Texas Forest Service
Cover photo: Ron Billings

Soapberry Borer

Agrilus prionurus

Origin: Native of Mexico

Impact: Soapberry borers are rapidly killing soapberry trees throughout their range. Infested trees can be easily recognized by the exposed sapwood that results when birds and squirrels chip off the bark to feed on the larvae. Bark chips accumulate at the base of the tree. A heavily-infested tree will be completely girdled by white larvae feeding beneath the bark.

Learn More: Species Profile.

Report Form

If you have spotted Agrilus prionurus (Soapberry Borer), use this report form to send an email to the appropriate authorities.

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Latitude: Longitude: in decimal degrees

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Host Plant
If applicable, what is the host plant?

Comments: Describe the species, impact, infestation or generally what you are seeing.

Please upload a photo of the specimen or the site where the specimen was seen. NOTE: The photo file must be no larger than 2 MB in size.

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