The Texas Invasive Plant and Pest Council (TIPPC) originated as a motion from the floor at the second statewide Invasive Plant Conference held at the Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center, Austin, Texas in November of 2007. Stakeholders from state and federal agencies, conservation organizations, academia, green industry and the public sector had long discussed the need for one unified body to address the threat of invasive species in Texas. On Friday, April 18, 2008, members of the steering committee established at that conference signed the bylaws creating the very first Texas Invasive Plant and Pest Council.
To provide a focus for issues and concerns regarding exotic plants and pests impacting native communities in the Texas;
To facilitate the communication and exchange of information regarding all aspects of invasive pest and plant biology, distribution, control and management;
To provide a forum where all interested parties may participate in meetings and share in the benefits from the information generated and promulgated by this Council;
To promote awareness and an understanding regarding invasive pests and plants and their control across Texas;
To provide expert advice for various interests concerned with invasive pests and plants and review invasive pest and plant management problems and activities and provide updated information for specific management needs; and
To serve as an advisory council regarding funding, research, awareness, policy and management of invasive pests and plants.
President - Scott Walker, Geosyntech,
Vice President - Anne Rogers Harrison, Texas Parks and Wildlife Department
Secretary - Hans Landel, Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center
Treasurer - Alexander Mathes, Geosyntech
Past President - Autumn Smith-Herron, Sam Houston State University
2008-11-07: Agenda, Minutes
2009-05-29: Agenda, Minutes
2009-11-13: Agenda, Minutes
2010-01-11: Agenda, Minutes
2010-09-21: Agenda, Minutes
2011-01-10: Agenda, Minutes
2011-05-03: Agenda, Minutes Missing
2013-02-20: Agenda, Minutes
2013-10-28: Agenda Missing, Minutes
2014-02-25: Agenda, Minutes
2014-02-27: Agenda, Minutes
2016-03-07: Agenda, Minutes
2018-10-24: Agenda, Minutes
Original Bylaws (2008-04-18)
Amended Bylaws (2010-11-11)
Letter of Support for Q-37 (2009-11-05)
2007 Board Roster
2009 Board Roster
2010 Board Roster
2011 Board Roster
2012 Board Roster
2013 Board Roster
2014 Board Roster
2015 Board Roster
2018 Board Roster