Spotlight - Invasive Species iWire and News

Invasive mussels, like zebra and quagga mussels, are having a devastating effect on the state's natural resources. They negatively impact native fish and mussels, and foul beaches with their sharp shells. They wreak havoc on boating equipment and clog water intake systems. Invasive mussels can form larger populations that can have a great impact on a deep and shallow lakes ecosystem, and can costing taxpayers millions of dollars. Invasive mussels have already invaded several Texas lakes, and could take over all freshwater sources in Texas.

Do your part to save our lakes – Clean, Drain and Dry your boat every time you leave a lake.

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Invasive Species iWire and News



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Giant Salvinia - Salvinia molesta
Emerald Ash Borer - Agrilus planipennis
Lionfish, Red Lionfish - Pterois volitans
Zebra and Quagga Mussels - Dreissena polymorpha & D. bugensis
Crested Floating Heart - Nymphoides cristata
Cactus Moth - Cactoblastis cactorum
Tropical soda apple - Solanum viarum
Yellow Floating Heart - Nymphoides peltata
Giant African Land Snail - Lissachatina fulica
Cogongrass - Imperata cylindrica
Redbay Ambrosia Beetle  - Xyleborus glabratus
Asian Longhorned Beetle - Anoplophora glabripennis
Tawny Crazy Ant - Nylanderia fulva
Japanese climbing fern - Lygodium japonicum
Brown marmorated stink bug - Halyomorpha halys
Onionweed - Asphodelus fistulosis
Soapberry Borer - Agrilus prionurus
Tropical Spiderwort - Commelina benghalensis
Spongy Moth - Lymantria dispar
Brown Fir Longhorned Beetle - Callidiellum villosulum
Sirex Woodwasp - Sirex noctilio
Giant Hogweed - Heracleum mantegazzianum
Apple Snail - Pomacea maculata
Spotted Lanternfly - Lycorma delicatula
Asian Citrus Psyllid - Diaphorina citri
Citrus Greening - Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus
Jumping Worms - Amynthas spp.
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Invasives 101

All you need to know about Texas invasive species. What they are, how to identify them, and why you should care.

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Take Action

Get involved in a local eradication program, like The Woodlands Township Invasives Task Force or Cooperative Weed Management program (CWMA).

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