If you would like to contribute any information about Invasive Species Legislation in Texas, please contact webmaster@texasinvasives.org
HB 338: Relating to disclaimers by certain entities promulgating lists of noxious or invasive terrestrial plant species (2011)
HB 3991: Continuing Texas Parks and Wildlife Department (2009)
SB 691: The establishment of the Texas Invasive Species Coordinating Committee (2009)
HB 2088: Increasing public awareness of the benefits of native plant species. (Failed, 2009)
Texas Agricultural Code: Chapter 71. General Control; Subchapter D. Noxious and Invasive Plants
Texas Administrative Code: Chapter 57. Fisheries; Subchapter A. Harmful or Potentially Harmful Fish, Shellfish, and Aquatic Plants
Harris County: Order Adopting a Policy Relating to Non-Invasive Plants (2010)
Austin: Invasive Species Resolution (2010)