The Conference is complete. Thank you everyone who participated!
The Texas Invasive Plant and Pest Conference is a professional level meeting including keynote speakers, concurrent sessions (with multiple presentations), workshops, field trips, poster sessions, and symposia designed to serve researchers, students, naturalists, the weed and pest management industry, land managers, state and federal agencies, local governments, other natural resource professionals, and anyone else with an interest in Texas' invasive species.
During the meeting, Texas Invasive Plant and Pest Council also holds its Board meeting and its public business meeting.
Abstracts for the 2018 Texas Invasive Plant & Pest Conference
A huge THANK YOU to our sponsors:
MacroTech Inc.
Winfield United
2005 Texas Invasive Plant and Pest Conference
2007 Texas Invasive Plant and Pest Conference
2009 Texas Invasive Plant and Pest Conference
2011 Texas Invasive Plant and Pest Conference
2014 Texas Invasive Plant and Pest Conference
2016 Texas Invasive Plant and Pest Conference
2018 Texas Invasive Plant and Pest Conference