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Photographer: Lawrence Barringer
Source: Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture,
Cover photo: Lawrence Barringer, Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture,

Spotted Lanternfly

Lycorma delicatula

Origin: China, India, and Vietnam

Impact: The spotted lanternfly has long, tubular piercing-sucking mouthparts that are adapted to feeding from plant stems. It sucks on phloem sap. It feeds on over 70 known host plants, including economically important plants, particularly common grape vine (Vitis vinifera), but ranging from apples, other grapes, birch, cherry, lilac, maple, poplar, stone fruits, causing important crop damage. It appears to prefer the non-native invasive tree of heaven (Ailanthus altissima).

Adults are fairly cryptic as long as their wings are folded. They have light brown forewings dotted with black spots, and the base color darkens along the tips of the wing. The hindwings are brightly colored, red with black spots, with a white band separating the red from the black tips of their hindwings. Females are slightly larger than males, with a body length of 20 to 27 mm vs. 17 to 22 mm (about 0.75-1.1 in.). All four instars (nymphal growth stages) are mostly black with white spots, but the fourth and final instar also has red patches on the body.

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Report Form

If you have spotted Lycorma delicatula (Spotted Lanternfly), use this report form to send an email to the appropriate authorities.

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