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Photographer: Ted Bodner
Source: Southern Weed Science Society
Cover photo:

Japanese climbing fern

Lygodium japonicum

Origin: Asia

Impact: Japanese climbing fern is an invasive climbing fern that is changing the landscape of East Texas. Introduced as an ornamental, it has escaped and is now rapidly spreading across the forested areas of Eastern Texas smothering native trees and shrubs. At least 15 new East Texas counties have reported the presence of this fern since 2005. Not only does it impact native vegetation directly, but is a significant fire hazard. The dead fern fronds serve as a fire ladder to carry fire to the crown of trees.

Please report any infestations of Japanese climbing fern you observe, particularly in counties not highlighted on the distribution map.

Texas Distribution Map of Japanese Climbing Fern

Learn More: Species Profile.

Report Form

If you have spotted Lygodium japonicum (Japanese climbing fern), use this report form to send an email to the appropriate authorities.

Your Name


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Latitude: Longitude: in decimal degrees

Did You Collect a Specimen?
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Host Plant
If applicable, what is the host plant?

Comments: Describe the species, impact, infestation or generally what you are seeing.

Please upload a photo of the specimen or the site where the specimen was seen. NOTE: The photo file must be no larger than 2 MB in size.

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