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Longleaf Ridge Invaders

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Satellite ID: 67
Leader: Lori Horn
Ecoregion: East Texas Pineywoods

Collector ID Name # Obs. Hrs.
3675 Boutte, Claire 1 0.3
3669 Burch, Eileen 0 0
2739 Chapman, Petty Jean 0 0
3672 Clark, Laura 2 0.2
3664 Cook, Connie 0 0
3667 Findley, Nicki 0 0
3159 Foote, Katherine 0 0
3670 Fralick, Donald 0 0
2737 golden, laura 0 0
3668 Goodman, Heather 0 0
2735 Gunter, Don 2 0.2
3665 Hall, Janell 0 0
1991 Hebert, Rodney 0 0
3158 Hight, Phillip 0 0
1967 horne, lori 0 0
3662 Horton, Danielle 0 0
3673 Johnson, Janette 0 0
2734 kerr, charles 0 0
2736 kerr, sharon 0 0
1372 Kochanek, Joanie 5 0.8
3666 Kopycinski , Jacki 0 0
3671 Lamoreaux, Sharon 0 0
3674 Lyons, Fred 0 0
2733 McCormick, Julia 0 0
1360 Singletary, Sue 9 0.8
3663 Stephens, Keith 0 0
  Total: 19 2.3